October 14th is National Fossil Day

In honor of National Fossil Day, SAI is thinking about the work engineers do to preserve cultural and archeological artifacts. Working together with specialized subconsultants, SAI strives to maintain the historical integrity of significant remnants within a project’s limits of work. As an example, for SAI’s Pond Eddy Bridge Replacement project, an Archaeological Monitor (AM) was required for all construction activities to protect and record Delaware and Hudson Canal remnants, artifacts, features, or human remains. Built in the 1820s, the Delaware and Hudson Canal was the center of the Pond Eddy settlement. Greg Soule, SAI Project Manager, along with a PennDOT representative were onsite during strip trenching to provide guidance. It is collaborations such as this that preserves artifacts defining our history. The next time you drive along a roadway consider that engineers and cultural resource folks have made sure that the history below is preserved.