Open-End Small Bridges & Structure – Sidewalk Gaps Preliminary Engineering/Final Design

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

SAI was responsible for the design for pedestrian improvements to more than 7,000 linear feet of sidewalk within two bid packages: one bid package for locations in the neighborhoods of Fineview, Sheraden, and East Liberty, included design of sidewalk, curb, ADA ramps, and other ancillary construction as required. The other bid package was for work in the Hazelwood neighborhood which included design of sidewalk, curb, ADA ramps, and other ancillary construction as required.

Physical Features:

  • Project Location 1 – Fineview: Fountain Street. Sidewalk ties into the existing James Street Steps. Fencing added to replace deteriorated railing along the sidewalk/existing stone retaining wall.
  • Project Location 2 – Sheraden: Thornton Street. Sidewalk ties into the existing Thornton Street City Steps. A kneewall was utilized on part of the project to retain the existing slope and allow for construction of the sidewalk. The sidewalk is located adjacent to the Sheraden Park.
  • Project Location 3 – East Liberty: Broad Street & East Liberty Boulevard. Includes coordination with Forestry Department, included tree removal and plantings.
  • Project Location 4 – Irvine Street, Hazelwood (Bid Package 2 – No PennDOT Oversight). From intersection with Saline Street and Greenfield Avenue to the intersection with Hazelwood Avenue, approximately 5,100 LF. Highway Occupancy Permit and documentation for work along Irvine Street (SR 885).

Other Features:

  • Retaining walls including kneewalls and a toewall.
  • Tree Pits/Plantings along Broad Street and East Liberty Boulevard.

Project Owner: City of Pittsburgh DOMI

Completion Date: Bid Package 1 completed 2024. Bid Package 2 completed 2022.

Cost: Bid Package 1 = $1,160,000

Bid Package 2 = Construction Bid $1,100,000


Before project completion (above)


After project completion (above)


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