As a subconsultant to Edwards and Kelcey under a State-wide Open-end contract, SAI was responsible for assisting in the analysis of early-action studies along the S.R. 0030 Corridor in PennDOT District 12, Westmoreland County, PA. In addition and in accordance with the established Congested Corridor Improvement Program, SAI performed identification of improvements and assessment of their effectiveness in achieving the program goal of reducing peak-hour travel time on the improved corridor by 20%.
Physical Features:
- 6.6 miles of S.R. 0030 in Westmoreland County, PA
Other Features:
- Tasks involved in SAIs portion of the Congested Corridor Improvement Program included reviewing the scope of work, project meetings, review and analysis of project needs, preliminary alternatives development and review, engineering study, findings, and recommendations.
- The engineering study specifically addressed the following:
- Selection of Analytic Tools.
- Determination of Data Requirements.
- Data Collection
- Analysis of Existing Conditions
- Evaluation of transit services and adjacent land use.
- Accident data evaluation.
- Analysis of future “No Build” conditions.
- Optimization of future traffic conditions.
- Analysis of short and long-term build scenarios.
- Findings and Recommendations.
- Project management with extensive QA/QC.