SR 981 Section V10 – Kennametal & Arnold Palmer Regional Airport
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania SAI was responsible for the design of a project to enhance safety and operational efficiency on SR ...

SR 0119-A03, County Line – Crossover Road
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania SAI was responsible for the roadway improvements including the replacement of the mainline pavement for the north ...

Pearce Mill Road Shared Use
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania SAI was responsible for the preliminary engineering and final design for the widening of Pearce Mill Road ...

Campbells Run Road Improvement Project
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania SAI is responsible for the Preliminary Engineering, Right-of-Way Plan development, and Final Design for the widening and ...

SR 0422/SR 2005 Margaret Road Intersection Improvement Project
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania SAI was responsible for the Alternative Studies, Preliminary Engineering, Final Design, and Services During Construction for the ...

SR 1012-BCG, Cowpath/Godshall/West Broad Street Intersection Improvements
SAI performed preliminary engineering and final roadway design to eliminate two closely paired "T" intersections and provide a single, new, ...

SR 0030 and SR 0981 Roadway Improvements
SAI was responsible for preliminary and final design of widening and overlay of S.R. 0030 and S.R. 0981 addressing urban ...

SR0028 Section 036 Etna Interchange Reconstruction
SAI is responsible for the preliminary enginering and final roadway and structure design for a project that comprises 12 multi-span bridges, ...

Monfayette Transportation Project I70-SR0051
SAI was responsible for the preliminary and final roadway and structure design of four miles of new four-lane expressway over ...

Fort Pitt Boulevard Eastbound-Interstate 376 Connector
SAI was responsible for the preliminary and final highway as well as structure design of the reconstruction/rehabilitation of Ft. Pitt ...